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what is advait

what is advait 

What is Maya?
सदासद विलक्षणो माया 
it means that maya is neither extience nor a non existence it is just a peculiarity of existence and non extience 
The opposite naturally product that we perceive with the same peculiarity is only because of lack of understanding about absolute reality in the sense that earthen pot is posted to be different from nature of Earth element this only outside quality that we observe but in realative reality it only earthen element so same way persue souls to different but it's nothing but brahman himself in reality 
it is stated in vaisheshika that 
Pleasure, Pain, Desire, Aversion, and voilition  are marks on  existence of soul here it is noted these are not to be confused as qualities of soul if I take them then soul should have been inexitent in dormant sleep there is no voilition of deeds still soul is withness the action in body it can be other kind of voilition which is called as  source of vitality  soul cannot be taken as bounded by body if so he would not get salvation shankya states that
नस्वाभावतोबद्धस्यमोक्ष साधनोपदेशविधिः  अ॰१ सुत्र ७
There would be no rule in the enjoining of means for liberation of one bound essentially so it's is clear that these or not qualites of  soul but a body they are produced as nature of products with conjunction of various atoms Atman withness it only due to conjunction of body and mind now let us explain was is avidya 
यसमद प्रकृतेः लक्षणस्य विपरित ज्ञानं 
contrary knowledge obtain from nature of products due to variants of nature

द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते। तयोरन्यः पिप्पलं स्वाद्वत्त्यनश्नन्नन्यो अभिचाकशीति ऋग्वेद म.1| सू.164| म.20||  मुण्डक ।।3.1.1।।

Two birds with same name and fame with quality of beautiful and dynamic one symbolizes intellect other symbolizes the Atman (i.e brahman) with intiment friendship  both residing on same tree among them one busy in enjoying eating bitter or sweet fruits of tree (i.e is bad and good deeds) other just observe or withness his friend eating fruit it doesn't take any part in action it means it never enjoy action of deeds just observe his friend busy in enjoying deeds.The same suparna (bird) is predicated from verse 

This mantra also indicates advait concept because as per paingal rahshya brahman 
क्योंकि ” पैङ्ग्यरहस्य ब्राह्मण ” में यह अर्थ लिखा है
तयोरर्न्यपिप्पलं स्वद्वत्ति इति सत्त्वमनश्नन्नन्योअभिचा
कशीत्यनश्नन्नन्योऽभिपश्यति ज्ञस्तावेतौ सत्त्वक्षेत्रत्राविति सत्व 
From this verse it is predicated that intellect enjoy action of the karma ( deeds) withness Atma (kshtergyan) one who knows about it will not be the part of actions so this reinforce the concept of the advait hence same meaning can be profounded in srutis 
The translation is based on sruti because the same meaning can be predicated even in this verse

एकः सुपर्णः स समुद्रमा विवेश स इदं विश्वं भुवनं वि चष्टे।
तं पाकेन मनसापश्यमन्तितस्तं माता रेळिह स उ रेळ्हि मातरम् ऋग्वेद १०:११४:४
It's means that a suparna ( a one bird)  with the denominations of deity  a soul completely prefect in every manner that emboded in wide space likeness to a wide ocean is ultimately a god of life  he is lights of all world  consequently one worship lord of soul.if thus worship him by his fruitful mind in his withness him in loutus of heart here at time of percept mother nature merge in her nature  at time of taciturnity mother nature likeness to ultimately  diety herself merges with the speech. in return this is principle of  denominations in specific the suparna a one bird predicated from verse as life force of brahman , it is likeness to our soul if it was not predicated by verse the निघण्टु३:११ विचष्ठे is called as पश्यति कर्म means precived  deeds so here neither it's predicating sentiments of animate or inert  so it can be understood that the verse in specifying about intellect  it is predicted as perviously it is said word  merges with nature so here intellect is enjoying and Atman is withness for deeds enjoyed by intellect. so it's fruitful to conculde that the above verse is predicating advait concept the context is referring to Atman (soul) and intellect not a Brahman and Atman. The preception of Dayanand sarswati of Arya smaj is falsefied as context is neither about animate nor inert it's gisting about sentiments of enjoyer it is also mentioned in Bridranyak upanishad as follows
तद्यथास्मिन्नाकाशे श्येनो वा सुपर्णो वा विपरिपत्य श्रान्तः सहत्य पक्षौ संलयायैव ध्रियत एवमेवायं पुरुष एतस्मा अन्ताय धावति यत्र सुप्तो न कंचन कामं कामयते न कंचन स्वप्नं पश्यति॥ बृहदारण्यकोपनिष ४:३:११ 
It is like a the radial being a pursha with infinite denomination of brahman in infinite sky (i.e, universal nature ) sky is here predicated with quality text of sound that infinite suprana a bird is deeply sleeping in sky because of frequent  jaunt it's gains weariness and it fly to it's destiny and it is  nothing but a soul with denomination of intellect residing in  loutus of heart here the same suprana a soul lighting the particles of organ is denomination of brahman at time dormant sleep same lies in body so it does possess any desire to participate in action nor even precive any dreams secondly suparna the denomination of intellect moves between dreams, and dormant enjoy deeds of it's actions the two suprana birds are predicated there as 
denominations of soul and intellect so it can be understood that the above verse are predicting the advait philosophy 


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