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Exposing sakshi apologetics

Exposing sakshi apologetics
I am exposing Mr Jerry Thomas of sakshi apologetics claimed false things in Veda he had mentioned thus
Rig Veda 10:16:1-2 reads (translation by Wendy Doniger):
“Do not burn him entirely, Agni, or engulf him in your flames. Do not consume his skin or flesh. When you have cooked him perfectly, o knower of creatures, only then send him forth to the fathers. When you cook him perfectly, o knower of creatures, then give him over to the fathers. When he goes on to the path that leads away the breath of life, then he will be led by the will of the gods.”
Here we are. Agni, one of the deities, cooking dead bodies for consumption. Now you decide who should be called as the savage.
The fool Jerry Thomas (sakshi apologetics ) has made his false claims on god Agni that he was cooking dead body for consumption I think he might have taken this from his hybrid bible King II 6 -28 -29 or from translation done by Vaticans  please find your vicious  Bible words below 

•  28 And the king said to her, What ails you? And she answered, This woman said to me, Give your son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow.

•  29 So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said to her on the next day, Give your son, that we may eat him: and she has hid her son.
Do you think yourself has pioneer in Sanskrit you fool crypto evil Biblical fool Characters read carefully above words.
Jerry with an intention to mislead people and make them ready for conversion  has claimed false in Vedic verse let me clarify the same and expose bible further bible written by fools to mislead people
मैनमग्ने वि दहो माभि शोचो मास्य त्वचं चिक्षिपो मा शरीरम |
यदा श्रृतं कर्णवो जातवेदो.ऽथेमेनं प्र हिणुतात् पित्र्भ्यः ||
1. Burn him not up, nor quite afflict him,(i.e body,) Agni: let not his body or his skin be scattered. O Jatavedas, when thou hast elements are  calcined, then send him on his way unto the Fathers.
श्रृतं यदा करसि जातवेदो.अथेमेनं परि दत्तात्पित्र्भ्यः |
यदा गछात्यसुनीतिमेतामथा देवानांवशनीर्भवाति ||
2. When thou hast made him(i.e body) readily, calcified  Jatavedas, then do thou give him over to the Fathers. When he attains unto the life that awaits him, he shall become the Deities' controller.
These two verses talks about cremation  rituals neither Agni is consuming dead body nor he doing any harm as we Hindus hast burn our material body so thou worship God either hast material body is to be burned without difficulty  . This meaning is predicated by mantra ( verse)
Let me simplify the above clarification the above words
The root medha in Sanskrit  means act influenced by wisdom it’s is derived from medhri meda means wisdom.
The naromeda doesn’t mean human sacrifice it applies to last funeral rites of dead body

Jerry now as purposely quoted wrong translation to mislead people let me quote what even Griffith mentioned
1. Burn him not up, nor quite consume him, Agni: let not his body or his skin be scattered.
     O Jatavedas, when thou hast matured him, then send him on his way unto the Fathers.
2. When thou hast made him ready, Jatavedas, then do thou give him over to the Fathers.
     When he attains unto the life that awaits him, he shall become the Deities' controller.
Even Griffith have not quoted like that of your language and commentary.
I feel glory apologetics should be ashamed of themselves to call them Indians they are crypto evils destroying Hinduism 
There are five Agni as per Vedas  kravyaagni a sacrificial fire jataveda means alter fire  it signifies  knowledge and virtue at time of death, Hindus request to give mosksa to soul of living beings as per  vaisheshika school of thought soul possess feature of knowledge thus he can attain moksha by knowledge of Brahman
Mr Jerry ! you are   possessed by evil spirit of bible so you don’t have enough brain to understand this ancient Hindu rituals.
Let me explain you a senerio If Christians die we bury them in coffin and under Earth then do you say coffin consumes  dead body your dumb a cheap slave of Vaticans I would show you  real bible words once again please answer them correctly
"And the Lord, appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day. And he lifts up his eyes and looked and , lo, three men stood by him; and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself towards the ground. And said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant . let a little water I pray you, be fetched, and washed your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on; for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, so do, as thou hast said., Make ready quickly there measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man and hasted to dress it. And he took butter and mild, and he calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat." (18:2 – 8.)
•    How a god without form appeared?
•    How good your god deliberately ask for tender calf?
•    Now thing who is Savage it’s you eating sons of people ?
•    God asking tender meat ?


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