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Scientific view of lord shiva

 This my new approach to purans please understand over puran as science. If you like share like and comment.

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Greetings to the Supreme God Sadashiva, the limitless Entity harnessing His tripartite might to enact creation, sustenance, and dissolution – the concealed Essence permeating all life forms, the imperceptible orchestrator of all phenomena.

1. Lord Shiva's might, galaxies

birthed and spread, 

Lord Shiva's might, galaxies

birthed and spread

Certainly, from a scientific

standpoint, the poem could

be interpreted as describing

the immense power of

natural forces that led to the

birth and expansion of

galaxies. The mention of

"Lord Shiva's might" might

symbolize the fundamental

physical and cosmic

processes that triggered the

universe's creation and

subsequent development.

Galaxies being "birthed and

spread" could represent the

formation and expansion of

cosmic structures driven by

processes such as cosmic

inflation, gravitational

attraction, and the evolution

of matter over billions of


1. Supernova Forge: Imagine

Lord Shiva as the master of

a cosmic forge, where

massive stars (like His fiery

third eye) end their lives in

brilliant explosions called

supernovae. These

explosions scatter the

cosmic materials needed for

the formation of new stars

and galaxies, echoing the

concept of creation and


2. Quantum Dance of

Creation: Picture Lord Shiva

performing a cosmic dance

that mirrors the intricate

dance of particles at the

quantum level. Just as

Shiva's dance is both

creative and destructive,

particles emerge and

annihilate in a dance that

drives the universe's

evolution, following the

principles of quantum


3. Galactic Creation Mantra:

Envision Lord Shiva's divine

utterance as the catalyst for

the Big Bang, the cosmic

event that marked the

universe's birth. His sacred

utterance sets into motion

the expansion of space-

time, leading to the creation

of galaxies, stars, and


4. Universal Web of Life: Think

of Lord Shiva as the weaver

of a universal web, where4. Universal Web of Life: Think

of Lord Shiva as the weaver

of a universal web, where

galaxies, like shimmering

dewdrops, are

interconnected by the

threads of gravity. This

intricate web guides the

formation of galaxy clusters

and superclusters,

reminiscent of Shiva's

interconnected cosmic


5. Celestial Meditation:

Contemplate Lord Shiva in

deep cosmic meditation,

representing the silent yet

powerful gravitational forces

that shape the universe. His

meditation guides the

formation of cosmic

structures, ensuring a

delicate balance between

expansion and gravitational


6. Time's Eternal Wheel:

Visualize Lord Shiva as the

eternal keeper of time's

wheel, rotating through

cosmic cycles of expansion

and contraction. Each

revolution marks the birth,

evolution, and eventual fate

of galaxies, reflecting the

cyclic nature of the universe.

These imaginative examples

blend scientific conceptswith the symbolism of Lord

Shiva as the supreme god,

offering a unique perspective

on the interplay between

cosmic processes and divine



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